Almost three years ago I did a post called Confessions because I never want others to think I have it all together. I didn't then; I certainly don't now. All those confessions I wrote 34 months ago still are true today, but recently God has been showing me I need to grow much in one particular area. And He has revealed this to me through my middle son, Haddon, the one I have nicknamed, "Chocolate Eyes". When you see your own weaknesses showing up in your children it is humbling...and saddening... and a huge kick in the pants. From that old post:
Confession #5: I take myself and life in general waaaaay too seriously. I need to laugh a lot more and chill out. Dh used to tell me that on a scale of one to ten everything for me was a 12 - from the Tupperware drawer to something that really matters. I have come a long way but still have much room for growth
Haddon is taking after me in this area and it grieves my heart. But I am greatly encouraged in this...I know the cure, or at least part of it. Laughter! Yep, laughter. Dh is such a blessing to me in this. When I am in one of my "take myself too seriously" modes he has wisdom enough to know that the salve for my soul in that moment is laughter. And I have seen several times this week that it will be the salve for Haddon, too.
This change needs to first start with me. The adage, "It is better caught than taught" rings true here. My boys will learn to laugh at the little things (and sometimes the big things, too) when they see me doing so. Knowing that Mommy doesn't sweat the small stuff will give them freedom to do the same. How far I have to grow in this. How very, very far.
To inspire myself I have found quotes on laughter. I am printing these off and putting them in my Teacher Notebook and on my fridge. I want my house to be marked more often by the sound of children laughing. For when my boys think back on their childhood to remember that we laughed as a family. Because where there is laughter there is joy. Proverbs 22:17 says, "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
~ ee cummings
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
~ Lord Byron
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
~ Mark Twain
Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart.
~ Mort Walker
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
~ Victor Hugo
Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.
~ Karl Barth
Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.
~ Mark Twain
Prov. 22:17 is so pertinent! I believe that you can visibly see their little spirits being crushed when we Mommies choose to go loco over spilled milk instead of respnoding with laughter and a soft heart! Can't you just see their faces looking to yours when something not great happens and they aren't sure if you're gonna get uptight about it or not??
I should print that one out for my ktichen cabinets cuz I SURELY need to be reminded to seta tone of laughter & joy around here! Thx for the honest post!
Love the Karl Barth quote. Thanks for sharing--I'm an intense person, too, and I DEFINITELY need to work on it.
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