I have been working on this for a week and a half and like many projects, it took longer than expected. Here are our history plans for SOTW1 aligned with History Scribe: Ancient Egypt (AE), Ancient China (AC) and Ancient Greece and Rome (AG&R).
I also created copywork for Chapters 11-42. Jessica from Trivium Academy shared her copywork for Chapters 1-10 and was kind enough to allow me to post them here. I am not sure how much copywork Thatcher will be ready for this year, but I wanted to have it ready just in case. Also, I may need to shorten/simplify the sentences if he is getting frustrated.
Here was my thinking in creating the copywork:
I also created copywork for Chapters 11-42. Jessica from Trivium Academy shared her copywork for Chapters 1-10 and was kind enough to allow me to post them here. I am not sure how much copywork Thatcher will be ready for this year, but I wanted to have it ready just in case. Also, I may need to shorten/simplify the sentences if he is getting frustrated.
Here was my thinking in creating the copywork:
- If the History Scribe page already gave the most important details of the passage, I usually tried to make the copywork for that selection include some other interesting fact or tidbit.
- If there was no HS page to align with that lesson, I tried to make the copywork be more of a "main idea."
- You could probably get more HS pages to align with SOTW1 from their World Religions and Christianity packs but I was content to start here. If anyone finds more pages to align from one of these other packs, please share!
- Feel free to use these as a starting point but modify them to fit your needs! I will probably be changing them up as I go as well. :) This was my first time to do my own copywork so I was about halfway in before I got the hang of it. Lol!
Ch. 1 - The Earliest People
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Nomad means, "a person who wanders or roams around."
Ch. 2 - Egyptians Lived on the Nile River
* History Scribe - AE p. 7, Archaic Period/AE p. 17, The Nile River
* Copywork - Ancient Egyptians lived near the Nile as it provided water and excellent soil for growing food.
Ch. 3 - The First Writing
* History Scribe- AE p. 25, Papyrus/AE p. 27, Writing
* Copywork - The word Mesopotamia means "between two rivers."
Papyrus was ancient Egypt's greatest export and revolutionized the way people kept valuable information.
Ch. 4 -The Old Kingdom of Egypt
* History Scribe - AE p. 8, Old Kingdom/AE p. 18, The Pyramids/AE p. 29, Mummies
* Copywork - The Great Pyramid in Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids and is the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Ch. 5 - The First Sumerian Dictator
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - The cities in Sumer fought each other until Sargon conquered them and joined them into an empire.
Ch. 6 - The Jewish People
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - The twelve tribes of Israel were identified by the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, whom God renamed Israel: Joseph, Judah, Issachar, Benjamin, Levi, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Simeon, Dan, Zebulun, Reuben.
Ch. 7 -Hammurabi and the Babylonians
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - The Babylonians were the first to divide a day into twenty-four hours and to divide an hour into sixty minutes.
Ch. 8 - The Assyrians
* History Scribe - none
*Copywork - You will never find that life for which you are looking. . When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. - The Epic of Gilgamesh.
Ch. 9 - The First Cities of India
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - The people of the Indus Civilization achieved great accuracy in measuring length, mass and time.
Ch. 10 - The Far East: Ancient China
* History Scribe - AC p. 4, Farming Advances
* Copywork - Huang Di united the villages of the Yellow River Valley.
Ch. 11- Ancient Africa
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork -Life in the Sahara Desert is both difficult and dangerous, but long ago this part of Africa wasn't even a desert.
Ch. 12 - The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
* History Scribe - AE p. 9, Middle Kingdom
* Copywork - Egypt had become weak, but when Amenemhet became Pharaoh he made it strong again.
Ch. 13 - The New Kingdom of Egypt
* History Scribe - AE p. 10, New Kingdom/ AE p. 15, Famous Pharaohs/ AE p. 30, Valley of the Kings
* Copywork - They Egyptians were polytheists which means they worshiped many gods.
Ch. 14 - The Israelites Leave Egypt
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Moses and the Israelites were monotheists. They believed in and worshiped only one God.
Ch. 15 - The Phoenicians
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - The Phoenicians were the greatest sailors in the Ancient world; they were also famous for their blown glass and purple dye.
Ch. 16 - The Return of Assyria
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Ashurbanipal is remembered as the king who collected books to create the first library. His library was in Nineveh.
Ch. 17 - Babylon Takes Over Again!
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Ch. 18 - Life in Early Crete
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 4, Minoan Culture
* Copywork - The Minoans settled on the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.
Ch. 19 - The Early Greeks
* History Scribe - AG&R p.5 Mycenaen Culture
* Copywork - The Mycenaean Greeks had weapons made of bronze; they were defeated by the Dorians who built stronger weapons of iron.
Ch. 20 - Greece Gets Civilized Again
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 7, Phoenician Culture/AG&R p. 8, Greek Mythology/AG&R p. 9, The Olympic Games
* Copywork - Homer's poem, the Odyssey, tells of the adventures of Odysseus as he tries to return home after the Trojan War.
Ch. 21 - The Medes and the Persians
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Cyrus was King of the Medes and the Persians, and he was known as a good and fair ruler.
Ch. 22 - Sparta and Athens
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 11, Colonization of Greece
* Copywork - Plato was a famous philosopher from Athens.
Ch. 23 - The Greek Gods
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 6, The Trojan War
* Copywork - Zeus was the chief god of the Greeks.
Ch. 24 - The Wars of the Greeks
* History Scribe - AG&R p.13, The Persian Wars/AG&R p. 14, The Peloponnesian War/AG&R p. 30, The Acropolis
* Copywork - Athens and Sparta joined together to defeat Persia.
Ch. 25 - Alexander the Great
* History Scribe - AG&R p.16, Alexander the Great
* Copywork - Pharos, the largest lighthouse in the world, was built in Alexandria and is the third of the Seven Wonders.
Ch. 26 - The People of the Americas
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - There are three Americas: North, Central and South. The Nazca tribe lived in South America in modern-day Peru.
Ch. 27 - The Rise of Rome
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 10, Founding of Rome/AG&R p. 12, Republic of Rome
* Copywork - Rome grew to be the largest and strongest empire the world had ever seen.
Ch. 28 - The Roman Empire
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 17, Architectural Advances/AG&R p. 33, Roman Mythology
* Copywork - Zeus was king of the Greek gods; the Romans called him Jupiter. The Greek god of the sea was Poseidon, but the Romans called him Neptune.
Ch. 29 - Rome's War With Carthage
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 18, Rise of the Roman Empire
* Copywork - After fighting for over 100 years, Rome finally defeated Carthage and their great leader, Hanibal.
Ch. 30 - The Aryans of India
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - An Indian prince, Siddhartha, created a new religion called Buddhism after seeing the misery created by Hinduism's caste system.
Ch. 31 - The Mauryan Empire of India
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork -King Aoska followed Budah's teachings and built his empire through honesty, truthfulness and mercy rather than violence.
Ch. 32 - China: Writing and the Qin
* History Scribe - AC p. 8, Warring States/AC p. 10, Qin Dynasty/AC p. 11, The Great Wall
* Copywork - The Chinese were the first ancient people to use printing to produce books.
Ch. 33 - Confucius
* History Scribe - AC p. 9, Confucius
* Copywork - Feel kindly toward everyone, but be intimate only with the virtuous. - Confucius
Ch. 34 - The Rise of Julius Caesar
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 19, The Emperors
* Copywork - After returning from Spain, Caesar became one of Rome's consuls thus forming a triumvirate (three leaders).
Ch. 35 - Caesar the Hero
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 36, The Senate and the Forum
* Copywork - Caesar had become the most powerful man in all of Rome, but he was killed by Senators who though he had become too strong.
Ch. 36 - The First Roman Prince
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 20, Pax Romana
* Copywork - Caesar's nephew, Octavion, was renamed Augustus Caesar and ruled for 30 years after his uncle's death.
Ch. 37 - The Beginning of Christianity
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 21, The Christ
* Copywork - Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. - Jesus
Ch. 38 - The End of the Ancient Jewish Nation
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - When Christians revolted against Roman authority the emperor sent soldiers to destroy the Temple and all of the city of Jerusalem.
Ch. 39 - Rome and the Christians
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 22, The Roman Empire Declines
* Copywork - Constantine became a Christian and moved the capital of the Roman empire from Rome to Constantinople.
Ch. 40 - Rome Begins to Weaken
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 24, The Roman Empire Splits
* Copywork - Even after Diocletian divided the Roman Empire into two parts, the armies couldn't fight off the invaders that continued to attack its borders.
Ch. 41 - The Attacking Barbarians
* History Scribe - none
* Copywork - Attila the Hun was called, "The Scourge of God" by the Romans.
Ch. 42 - The End of Rome
* History Scribe - AG&R p. 25, Western Empire Ends
* Copywork - Earth is the only planet in our solar system whose name is not derived from Roman mythology.
Thanks, Jennefer. This will help me out a lot (and save me many hours that I don't have!). Chris.
This is great! When things calm down a little here, I'll pull our our SOTW1 year from storage and fill in a little where you have "none" for the History Scribe pages. Some chapters in SOTW do not have a History Scribe page that coordinates so we used an empty page.
We didn't use the captions on the History Scribe pages, some of them have the wrong information or incorrect grammar, and misspellings.
Thank you for doing this, it will bless a lot of homeschoolers.
: ) Jessica
I have found your website and Jessica's and I am SO thankful! My oldest will be in first grade at our Church's Christian school this year, but I am prayerfully feeling lead to homeschool after that year. (I also have a 4 year old boy and a 10 month old girl.) By the way, my oldes son has SI disorder as well. Anyway, your resources as well as Jessica's will bless me more than I could tell you!! Now for a really dumb question, what is History Scribe??
Thanks again for the great help! I pray the Lord blesses you ten fold for how your hard work will bless our family!
Thanks for the encouragement. I feel led to do all this for my son, and if someone else is blessed by using something I create that's wonderful! :)
History Scribe is a company that produces notebooking pages. They are very inexpensive ($2.50 per book if you choose the download option) and very flexible. Many other companies also produce similar products but these worked best for us.
Here is their webpage:
Hope that helps and blessings on your journey.
Jennefer :)
Thank you Jennefer! Your hard work is much appreciated and looks awesome...
Thank you! You gave me advice over at the WTM board, and I come here and find even more great information. My son is a little older, he's in 2nd grade this year, but we will still use this copywork.
This is amazing...I know I'm a year later than your post, but I wanted to say thank you!!!
Thank you, what a blessing. Will you be doing the same for Story of the World 2? Thank you in advance.
This is a great resource for learning about history.
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