Sunday, January 27, 2008

Weekly Report - Week 20

I usually only do slide shows with subtitles for each photo, but this one was too cute to pass up!

Photo 1 - We just finished Lesson 100 in Horizons 2 and he made 92% on his test! Two days this week he finished his math assignment in 30 minutes and earned time to stay up late at bedtime and play board games with Mommy or Daddy!

Photos 2 &3 - The large chart is how we have been reviewing our skip counting most days (simply oral recitation while looking at the chart) but it just wasn't sticking. This method works beautifully for poetry memorization but was failing us here. I remembered Jessica at Trivium Academy is teaching Camille her math facts through copywork so I tried it with this skill, too. You know what? We had been reviewing this every single day for 2 weeks with limited success. He wrote it these few times and had it down pat! Yahoo!!!!!

Photos 4, 5 & 6 - Here is our science work from this week: a bear profile page, a tiger profile page and copywork to go along with each. Thatcher always says how much he is enjoying filling out these pages and I am learning lots too! :)

Photo 7 - SOTW Narration from Chapter 20: Greece Gets Civilized Again - using History Scribe Notebooking Pages. I have really been working with Thatcher on choosing just the most important details to include in his narrations. This is such a hard skill for anyone but especially to a little boy for whom every detail is crucial in all areas of life. Lol!

Photo 8 - A few pages of Explode the Code Book 8. Thatcher was excited to see a few new activities in this book. This is our third year using ETC so a change was refreshing for him!

Photo 9 - I am currently reading The Iliad to Thatcher and he is reading Storytime with the Millers to me. The Iliad is following up our readings of Mary Pope Osborne's Tales from the Odyssey but this version is a little more (okay, a lot more) graphic. It is a war after all but yikes! I don't think I would be reading this to a little girl but Thatch loves it.

Photo 10 - Now that we finished up The Jesus Storybook Bible (still the best children's Bible of all time, in my opinion!) we are reading the Big Picture Story Bible. We read one story each morning at breakfast. Also T-Th we do family devotionals from Leading Little Ones to God with Daddy before he leaves for work.

Photo 11 - The big man himself! I forgot to take any photos of him actually doing his work this week so I went up to his room this afternoon and asked him if I could take a photo. He wanted to pose with his favorite trophy from last basketball season.

Happy new week to all! :)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun but busy week. Love the slide show! How cute!

Anonymous said...

It looks great! I really love the animal pages and History Scribe. We're using both right now too. My 7yo finally likes to draw more often.

Angela said...

I love the improvement that Thatcher is making- I have been following you since you started -
I wish I could borrow you for a couple of days over at my house

Andrea said...

Are you having Thatcher write his own science sheet answers? I have found the lines to be too small and so haven't had Jason do the writing himself. But I'm wondering if I should. Also forgot that I had the History Scribe stuff since I only print out a page every once in while. Jason really likes those too!

Good work this week! It's always nice when we find a technique that works for our kids (ie. copying skip counting)!

Darcy @ m3b said...

S-U-C-C-E-S-S! Looks like a great week. Can I ask about the Jesus Storybook? You've mentioned it twice (or more!) on your blog. The graphics are beautiful. Would it work with my family?

We are currently using Bible Stories by Tomie dePaola. Which is also great.

Jessica said...

Wooo Hoooo Thatcher! Good job Mama. It looks like an excellent week Jenn! Love the 3 columns. You're doing an amazing job and it is such a joy to read about the boys' week.

:) Jessica