Ike is heading for the Texas Coast and we are right in his path. We are officially evacuating this time. There are too many unknowns with this storm. Even the experts are saying this is a highly unpredictable storm and they really can't be certain where it will hit nor how strong it will be when it makes landfall. The best guess is somewhere between Corpus Christi, Texas and Houston, Texas and anywhere from a Category 2 to a Category 4. A Category 4 direct hit on Galveston (Houston) would put my house deep underwater. So once again we are packing to leave but this time we really, really are! We are heading for the Texas Hill Country and hoping we have a house to come back to after this storm hits on Saturday.
If you are the praying sort, please pray for safe travel. This news is coming so late that the roads are already jam-packed. It is very possible our five our trip could be double that or more. Three young, busy boys and 10-15 hours in a car = no fun. Hopefully that won't be the case though. I am not really worried about my house or anything in it; insurance will replace all that. I just want my family out of harm's way.
If you are the praying sort, please pray for safe travel. This news is coming so late that the roads are already jam-packed. It is very possible our five our trip could be double that or more. Three young, busy boys and 10-15 hours in a car = no fun. Hopefully that won't be the case though. I am not really worried about my house or anything in it; insurance will replace all that. I just want my family out of harm's way.

I have been thinking about ya'll as I have watched the storm progress into the gulf. I don't "know" anyone else in Texas so my prayers have been for ya'll. Hoping the travel is safe and swift. Take Care,
Sheryl in GA
We live in the Houston area too, but not so close to the coast. I remember the mass exodus preceding Rita a few years ago; it's a good thing you're leaving now, before the traffic is a complete mess. I'll be praying for a safe and peaceful trip for your family.
praying for safe and sane travel for you. Let us know how you are...
We will be praying for your safety. Glad to hear your getting out while you can.
Traveling in a car is no fun when your young. Safe travels!
Praying, keep safe!
Stay safe! Nothing is more important than that.
What a crazy few weeks you all have had! Hang in there.
Thoughts and prayers with you!
Hoping and praying for the best. I'm watching the news, too, and praying for you Texans. What a whopper!
Jen and Y,
I hope you didn't have too long of a trip to the hill country. Even more, though, I pray that your home didn't sustain too much damage. I know 'only time will tell,' but I pray you'll have God's peace and that you'll be able trust Him even in the midst of the storms. He is Sovereign!
Praying that you guys made it through safely!
Been praying for you and checking in for an update...
I watched the news last night and thought out you. Hope you all are safe.
I've been praying for all of the area that has been hit by Ike, I pray that your family is safe and doing well. Please let us know when possible that you are okay.
How are you doing?
Prayers to you and your family
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