A song came on that Haddon recognized and he asked, "Mom, what's the name of this song? Isn't it Chicken in the Sticks?" To which I answered, "No sweetie, it's actually called Turkey in the Straw."
Lol! I had to leave the room so he couldn't see me giggling! :)

OMG! That is hilarious! That is a really good one, Jennefer! Weren't you FOLTFL? I love it when they say silly things like that! Just this morning, Topaz asked me if his grandmother had "alz-cybers" (alzheimers) ;')
Sorry! meant to type "ROTFL" sorry!
It's fun to see the connections kids make and the way they remember things. They're so good at categorizing and finding patterns. It does come out funny sometimes though!
LOL!! :0) The title could of been our house... we have chickens and we live in the "sticks". ;0)
Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest thing ever.
What a sweet, smart boy!
I think God provides the words of little ones just to give us that comic relief that we so often need. The other day Hugh was walking across our bed I was laying in and accidently stepped on my legs. I told him that hurt and he said, "Sorry Mama, I was just walking across...like Jesus". I couldn't help but giggle. He must have been remembering the walk on water Bible story. so funny..
Om my gosh, that is so funny. What a clever boy!
Out of the mouths of babes... I love it...
and just a note to wish you and the family a happy Thanksgiving!!
LOL! Kids can so make your day.
Love it! Something to tell the grandchildren... :)
I just love the things they say! Mine always call 'melanin' in our skin 'watermelon' cause their brains just can't recall the right word.
Wish I wrote these cute little things down more, don't you?
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
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