I am so thrilled to be shifting to a CM style homeschool BUT that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate all that Classical has to offer. Classial is an excellent educational choice. I honestly think a lot of moms do it so much better than I. The balancing act, I mean. I am such a box checker and WTM became one huge to-do list for me (not the fault of the book, just my personality bent). I got so involved in getting it all done that I think I lost for the forest for the trees.
I forgot why I was homeschooling. I wanted my little boy home because public school can be a very tough place for a guy like him. So impulsive, yet so tender-hearted. So loud and in your face, yet so eager to please. So bright, yet so distracted. I wanted to give him every opportunity to grow in all respects - body, mind and spirit. With severe ADHD and major maturity issues as our daily reality, getting it all done became harder and harder, yet I still pushed.
Charlotte Mason's writings have brought me back to why I am homeschooling. I want to provide an excellent education for my boys and I believe I can do that better at home. I really do. Yet I lost my focus. That's what I mean about other moms doing it better. I think there are many, many moms out there who are following the Classical model and who instinctively do the things that Miss Mason talks about - nurturing a child's tender conscience; building in an appreciation of beauty through nature, music, art and the world all around; cultivating a deep love for God; shaping a child's personality by patient, consistent, systematic and diligent training; fostering a strong will that will, "chart the course of their lives" (Volume 1, p. 319, Modern Translation) and I could go on and on.
I just know in my heart that I was not doing those things to the best of my ability. That's what CM has been for me - a Renaissance of sorts for our school and for my heart! I just wanted to clarify that in case anyone was feeling a little slighted. That is not at all my intention. Thanks for letting me get that out. :)

I believe you're right that CM and the Classical model can fit well together. That's how we've done it for years now and it's working well so far!
I have been following your blog for a little while and i appreciate all of your ideas and your honestly. thanks for sharing, you inspire me.
I'm finding all these posts on CM so helpful and encouraging! I know we need to make some similar changes in our homeschool, so it's nice to see how well it's working for you.
One of the very best things about homeschooling and allowing God to lead us is that He always directs us. Sometimes those revelations and moves come suddenly and sometimes they come more slowly. Shifting to a more CM approach to learning is where God is leading you. He sees the needs of your son and your teaching style and your family life and He wants the very best for you. Praise God that you were not so "set" in any one approach to learning that you weren't open to His showing you a new way.
I'm reallying enjoying your blog. I've also left you a small gift on my blog.
Thrilled to have found another Charlotte Mason homeschooling family! Your blog has been an inspiration and a reminder of why we have chose CM!
I LOVE seeing how you are incorporating the CM approach into your homeschool. I tend to be a box-checker and struggle with being so consumed about finishing what we need to do that I feel like I am missing out on the joy of learning with my kids. It is such a hard balance and I admire moms like you who have figured out how to balance it in their homeschool. Thanks for your honesty and sharing your journey!
Hi Jennifer,
I'm a new homeschooler this year and am intrigued to read more. We are using WTM but I read a lot of CM before starting too. Overall it's been a fantastic experience but I find it hard to truly 'keep up' so I know what you mean about checking things off the list.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Classical Education and Charlotte Mason's methods. I myself have been on a similar journey. I have not yet read any of the CM books, only summaries. You may just have inspired me to look into CM a little more!
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