It was a Geneva Bible! This Bible was first produced in Switzerland in 1560
by Puritan refugees fleeing persecution from Queen Mary. It was the household Bible of English-speaking Protestants due to being smaller and more affordable. It even contained “study notes” for commentary on biblical text . It was also the first complete English Bible to use chapter breaks and numbered verses. It was the Bible Shakespeare used and the Bible brought to America by the pilgrims on the Mayflower. The copy this gentleman owned was printed in 1602 (see photo on right).

Dh brought it home one evening and we spent time carefully looking though this very special treasure. I was so incredibly nervous because I felt like this book should be in a museum somewhere under glass and not sitting on my counter top. I just kept thinking, "This book is older than our very nation! And just a 100 years (plus a few) after Columbus sailed the ocean blue ." It was such a privilege to spend time with this wonderful book. I am still amazed thinking back.
I thumbed through and found some of my favorite passages. Can you tell what they are? Leave a comment if you know!

Wow what a privilege! I love the old style writing--the s that looks like f and all the old spellings.
Very cool! We just visited Plimoth Plantation and got into a discussion with "Elder Brewster"(I think) about his Bible and the differences between his and King James. He pointed out the study notes to us. I just found that very interesting that they had study notes! They were smart people.
A fun challenge! I remembered the books the first and third were in, but had to look up the reference :). The first one, Micah 6:8...always reminds me of college...singing to that song. Then, John 3:16. And finally, Isaiah 40:28-31. What a great idea to take pictures of some of your favorite passages. Very special!
Wow. What an amazing treasure! I recognize John 3:16 and could make a bit of the others.
Love, Gretchen
What a preveledge to be able to see and read from this. The type is so elegant!
Have a great week!
Totally Awesome that you were able to feel and touch. We recently saw the Gutenburg Bible and were so thrilled. John 3:15 is one of our favorite scriptures- I think I see it in one of the passages.
There is a Bible Museum on the campus of Houston Baptist University. It is very intersting also.
wow, what a neat experience!
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