Did you notice the new doohickey on my right sidebar just below the photos of my boys? I added the "Follower" gadget! I want to start making changes to my sidebars so that my blog will be more helpful for visitors to find useful information quickly and easily. In the process I wanted to make a few fun changes as well. This fits that category. It's so motivating to sit down and blog when I see all the faces of those who will possibly be visiting to read my ramblings. Thanks to those of you who already signed up!
If you check this blog with any regularity, would you consider adding your sweet face as one of my followers? It's super easy. Just click the "Follow" button on the right and it you're just about there. And just to make it more fun, I will be having my first giveaway! Leave a comment and tell me that you are one of my followers or that you have just added yourself as a new follower. The winner will win one of these three books, winner's choice. All three have been mentioned in previous posts and all three have had a huge impact on me personally and on the direction of our school.

I've been subscribed to your blog for a while now, and I am happy to be a "follower." :)
I'm a fairly new subscriber/follower. I started following for the homeschool inspiration (I'd love to do it, but the Lord hasn't called me there YET). But your nutrition posts have me inspired as well. I've been completely GF for 2 weeks and feel the best I have in years, YEARS. I love the facts you post about additives, perservatives, etc. They made me question the food my family was eating. So we've had a major makeover in the frig/pantry. So thank you for the inspiration and information you post.
I've been reading your inspiring posts for some time without officially following...until now! Our first year of homeschooling was better for knowing you and reading about your experiences! Thanks!
I recently found your blog and loved your post about your own homeschool convention. What a great idea! We're homeschooling for the first time this year and looking forward to the adventure.
I'm no newbie follower..funny thing; I don't follow many blogs at all. Yours and a lady that lives in my own state and thats about it. I've visited many out there but it is ssa that has kept me coming back, for encouragment, challenge, transparency ....I always enjoy "hearing" from you. Thanks for all that you do for all of us "out here".
I grew up with my Dad reading to us kids. Deconstructing Penguins looks especially interesting as I've always had a desire to read to my sons (besides books as bedtime) when they are older but never considered an actual book club. FYI, there is no need to stop at 5th grade (per the Amazon description)! My Dad read Les Miserables, The Odyssey, and The Name of the Rose to me while I was in Jr. High and High School. He read Ben Hur to my brother when he was in HS.
I have followed your blog for a little over a year. I love the posts where you talk about how you manage home life and having little ones while accomplishing schoolwork with your oldest. We are in the beginning stages of homeschooling our oldest in K this year and planning to do a CM style.
I am a former teacher as well...and I loved a comment I (think) you made a long while back. It is funny how my education degree in part means that I have a different challenge...to forget quite a bit of what I learned about how to run/teach a classroom of kiddos so that I can better understand my solo pupil's needs. True!
Hi, friend. I've had you in Google Reader, and now I'm a follower as well. You inspire me, challenge me, and inform me. And I love to see your beautiful face when I visit. :)
Hi Jennefer, I'm a follower!
Hope you are having a fabulous summer!
I've been reading your blog for awhile, but am now officially following! I really enjoyed your post on Teacher Inservice and am looking forward to using this idea in our homeschool this year!
I'm new, but it didn't take me long to get "hooked" on your blog. :)
I'm following now, too. :)
Been reading your blog for a while and have been truly inspired. We're new to homeschooling and have truly benefited from your posts. Thanks for sharing! I'm an official follower now.
I have been reading your blog now for quite awhile and am happy to become a follower!!
I've been reading your blog for a few months and have been enjoying it. Can I admit that I especially enjoy the cake posts?
I've enjoyed reading your blog this year and you are listed on my blog under Favorite Blogs. I have been wanting to read the first two books you have listed but they aren't available through inter-library loan in my state. You have convinced me to become an official follower. We are also using a mostly Charlotte Mason approach, my son and I are on a gluten free diet, and we have been switching over to all natural cleaning, bath, and makeup products over the last year. I have put a lot of time in looking for well rated products that are reasonably priced. I really like watered down Dr. Bronner's liquid soap to clean things along with baking soda. Vitacost.com is my favorite place to get good deals on gluten free products, vitamins, and natural products. We also use the subscribe and save grocery program on Amazon.com to save a lot of money on gluten free products that we buy by the case.
I love reading your blog. It almost made me go out and buy a bread maker :)
I have been a subscriber for a long time, but am happy to add myself as a follower! Your blog has inspired me in so many ways!
Still love your blog, Jennefer! : ) I am trying to get in my own little homeschool "conference" before we start back with school thanks to your wonderful ideas!
I'm a follower. Your blog is one of my (almost) daily reads. Keep up the great work! :)
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